The Year in Web Design and Development

To say 2015 was a big year for web development and design would be an understatement.


Breakthroughs in both fields seemed nonstop, and the driving force was the explosion in use of mobile devices (see our blog post, Go Mobile or Go Home). As smaller screens have come to dominate the online marketplace, designers and developers have adapted to make user interfaces (UI) easier and the user experience (UX) more positive.

Here are some of the significant changes and developments of 2015.

Big Graphics

With smaller screens, keeping the page user-friendly means making it easy to read and navigate. Using a single, easy-to-understand opening graphic is replacing the traditional design with nav bars and buttons and multiple images.

Simple, Intuitive Layouts That Sell

Web users don’t need to be told what to do anymore. Today’s internet dweller is on the go. With 60% of traffic now coming from mobile devices, they’re used to swiping, tapping and scrolling, so many design elements essential in a mouse-driven world are just needless clutter on phones and tablets.

Integrated Animation

A big development on the programming front has been the emergence of “lighter” ways to code elements that used to require complex instructions for things like dynamic and tiled images, video and animation. Combined with faster networks and processors, this has allowed designers to incorporate dynamic elements that appear, move and disappear as a user moves about the page, letting sites guide users and draw them further into content.

Scrolling vs. Clicking

Boxes and buttons are being replaced by scrolling. It keeps visitors moving through the site and gives them incentives to explore and linger longer, adding to the likelihood they will see and buy more products and services.

Mobile is King and Developers Are Its Servants

With over half of internet traffic coming from mobile devices, companies like Google are working hard to develop techniques and languages to make Responsive Design richer and more compelling to users. Solutions like Material Design from Google are independent techniques that let developers work with many front-end design programs to create realistic movement and depth that add to user experience, drawing them back to the site.

The Takeaway – Adapt or Get Lost in the Crowd

If it’s been a while since you’ve taken a hard look at your site, its content, and how it performs on multiple devices, you’re risking losing ground to your competitors. Nearly half of people using mobile devices have trouble with older static designs, and if they’re having problems, they’re not likely to feel good about shopping with you.

The Unleaded Group can help ensure that your company’s website delivers all its potential during the coming year. Our design and development teams will make your site user-friendly across all devices. Make 2016 the year of device domination!